Francois Coaching & Consulting


At Francois Coaching and Consulting, we firmly believe in promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in all organizations through hybrid methods. Our expert team facilitates challenging conversations, brings attention to blind spots, and creates safe spaces for dialogue among all groups. By adopting a healing, trauma-informed, and human-centered approach, we aim to achieve sustainable EDI practices. We provide a wide range of services, including personalized coaching, organizational assessments, practical toolkits, helpful checklists, custom training programs, and engaging speaking engagements, all designed to inspire your team to achieve their goals.

We Value


And the ebbs and flows of human life.

Growth Capacity
EDI is evolving and we participate in continuous professional and personal growth

Effective Communication
EDI doesn’t happen in a void, discussion is a part of our process

EDI is profoundly personal and we regard vulnerability as a strength.

Tomorrow Mindedness
Every day we do our part to sustain EDI outcomes for the future.

We value being on the same page with colleagues and clients.

“We aim to inspire a shift in the way organizations think and act when it comes to EDI. Our goal is to assist organizations in achieving EDI growth through our tiered model of EDI maturity.”

Francois Coaching and Consulting • We believe in you •

About Edline

In the rich tapestry of my life, I proudly wear the colors of my Haitian heritage, the legacy of a resilient people, and the strength of a first-generation American. Born and raised in the vibrant landscapes of Florida, I've learned to navigate the intricate dance between my roots and the boundless possibilities that come with being a part of this great nation.

My journey has been a testament to the power of perseverance and the belief that every unique perspective has the potential to reshape the world. Throughout my professional odyssey, I have often found myself standing as the lone voice, a beacon of diversity in predominantly white spaces. In these moments, I embraced the role of an educator, tirelessly championing the cause of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

With a background deeply rooted in public health disparities research, I have spent nearly a decade immersing myself in the intricacies of the public health sector. I have donned various hats - researcher, consultant, student, and leader - each role contributing to the mosaic of skills and insights that I now bring to the forefront of my endeavors.

In the crucible of 2019, I seized the opportunity to manifest change on a grander scale. It was then that I founded Francois Coaching and Consulting, a visionary venture dedicated to empowering organizations on their journey towards EDI growth and maturity. This boutique firm stands as a testament to my unwavering commitment to revolutionize the way organizations perceive and implement EDI practices.

Francois Coaching and Consulting is not just a consultancy; it is a catalyst for transformation. We believe in the inherent power of diversity, not merely as a box to be checked, but as a wellspring of innovation and strength. Our mission goes beyond statistics and compliance – it's about fostering a cultural shift, a collective awakening that propels organizations towards a future where EDI is not an obligation but a celebrated cornerstone of success.

As I continue to trailblaze through uncharted territories, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Let us weave a narrative of inclusivity, where every voice, regardless of its origin, resonates with the symphony of progress. Together, we will redefine the narrative of EDI, not just for today but for the generations that follow.


Our Services

At Francois Coaching and Consulting we believe EDI occurs on a continuum.

We also offer leadership retreats, workshops, and speaking engagements to help our clients achieve their EDI goals.



How It Presents in Organization:
Organization is newly recognizing the pertinence of EDI

Services Offered:


How It Presents in Organization:
Organization is taking steps toward EDI by complying with local and state legal requirements in addition to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) standards

Services Offered:
*FC&C Does not provide legal advice
Compliance Checklist



How It Presents in Organization:Organization weaves EDI into business strategies and sections of the organization

Services Offered:
Customized Trainings


How It Presents in Organization:
EDI is a salient thread in organization’s fabric both internally and externally.

Services Offered:
Customized Quality Improvement Toolkit


How It Presents in Organization:
Organization harmonizes EDI and uses best practices to sustain EDI strategies internally and externally

Services Offered:
Customized EDI
Sustainability Toolkit


Our Services

  • Cognizance

    How It Presents in Organization:
    Organization is newly recognizing the pertinence of EDI

    Services Offered:

  • Willing

    How It Presents in Organization:
    Organization is taking steps toward EDI by complying with local and state legal requirements in addition to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) standards

    Services Offered:
    *FC&C Does not provide legal advice, Compliance Checklist

  • Palpable

    How It Presents in Organization:
    Organization weaves EDI into business strategies and sections of the organization

    Services Offered:
    Customized Trainings

  • Harmonize

    How It Presents in Organization:
    EDI is a salient thread in organization’s fabric both internally and externally.

    Services Offered:
    Customized Quality Improvement Toolkit

  • Viable

    How It Presents in Organization:
    Organization harmonizes EDI and uses best practices to sustain EDI strategies internally and externally

    Services Offered:
    Customized EDI
    Sustainability Toolkit


Contact Me

Let’s work together to bring your EDI vision to fruition.
Address: 1915 NE Stucki Ave Ste 308, Hillsboro, OR 97006
Phone: 971-254-1938 | Email: